Below is a list of nearby locations in Gambia which you might want to visit
BANJUL In pre-Independence days called BATHURST now Banjul is the capital city and seat of goverment of the Gambia. In its street mix all the many people of this friendly country. Beautiful batik, silver filigree, jewellery and other craft objects are in the shops.
BARRA-POINT Fort Bullen was bult by the bristish 200 years ago to cover the approaches to Banjul and the river. It succeeded James Island fortress destroyed by the french. It can be reached by direct ferry from the capital.
JAMES ISLAND FORT Constructed by Germans in 1651, It was captured by the British 10 years later. The ruins stand on tiny Island in the centre of the river. Fort James is a courful reminder of the centuries of struggle to do minate, the slave and other trade of the region.
TENDABA CAMP This safari-style camp, some 155 kilometers from Banjul can be reached by river or road. It is a superb spot to stop off ansd enjoy the richly varied bird and animal life of the river.
WASSU Fascinating Circle of standing stone around Wassu have now been indentified as burial ground more than 1200 years old made of hewn laterite there are scores of these site dotting the landscape.
GEORGETOWN The old second City of the colonial days and still an administrative and trading centre of the region. Here stands the old slave market, a sign of hard days gone by.
BASSE The major trading centre for the upper reaches of the Gambia river. Handsome trading house built at the turn of the century can be seen.